A glimpse into our hero's journey
Malix-Kai came into this world on September 26th, 2022, at Saskatoon, SK. And in such a short time has been through more than a lot of adults I know but even though the road has had more than a few bumps in it. He is the happiest little guy you will ever meet. My pregnancy was for the most part normal, I did have to have a few extra ultrasounds in the second trimester because they couldn’t get a good view of his heart. (the little bugger hated ultrasounds and would always kick the wand, and to this day he still hates them!) but after our 3rd attempt to get a good picture of his heart they told us everything looked normal. Unfortunately that just wasn’t the case, after his birth, I held my baby boy in recovery after my c-section for just over an hour. Until one of the nurses noticed he looked a little “ashy” is what she called it. They asked if they could see him, and I of course said yes. They preformed a few tests and we’re calling down the head of the nicu, I asked if everything was okay. They said his oxygen levels were very low and they couldn’t get them up to a normal level even while being given oxygen. They needed to preform more tests so they took him to the nicu, I was horrified I couldn’t go with him. I couldn’t walk my lower body was still frozen in time from the epidural. They took me back to my room and assured me as soon as they found something out someone would come talk to us. A few hours later someone finally came, he was the head of the pediatric cardiology department at the jpch. He introduced himself but I couldn’t really hear him, I just asked what’s wrong with my baby? Is he going to be okay? That’s when they doctor sat down and started to explain how regular hearts work and drew a picture, next he told us this is how baby Malix-Kai’s heart is working. He told us it is called Tetralogy of Fallot, and really it’s actually 4 different heart conditions in one which would require immediate surgery. We were told that our baby needed to be flown out to Edmonton, Alberta, for an emergency open-heart surgery as soon as possible. His father and I decided to drive to Edmonton the same day as the flight ad there wasn’t enough room on the plane for both of us, so 12 hours or so after my c-section my doctor against her better judgment released me from the hospital and we hit the road. Let’s just say things didn’t go just as we planed but we made it, only to find out that the surgery was postponed until they felt he was strong enough to pull through it. So on October 3rd, he had his first open heart surgery and the doctor was able to do a full repair. We were ecstatic, we spent the next 2 weeks out in Edmonton as he recovered finally bring him home October 13th to meet his big brother and to start our lives together as a family at home.
Our happiness was short lived however because on Nov 14th we found out he needed another open heart surgery so on Nov 16th we hit the road again this time with our 7 week old baby with us. Unfortunately it was snowing on our way there and about an hour or so away from our destination we were rear ended by a semi truck with a trailer attached to it. Of course we spun out a few times and ended up in the ditch on the side of the highway. We called 911 and the ambulance took about 40 mins to find us but once they did we found out we were heading to vegreville, Alberta to the closet hospital. Once there it was finally sinking in what had happened we were stuck, and not just stuck but stuck somewhere a province where we didn’t know anyone and we needed to get our baby to Edmonton in time for surgery. I’d be putting it lightly if I said I was freaking out a little bit. But eventually it was sorted out and we found our way there just in time. Malix-Kai was the first one released from the vegreville hospital he was absolutely fine after the accident, not a scratch. We are so thankful our baby boy has a couple guardian angels watching over him who we know wouldn’t let anything happen to him. Either that or our boy is a super hero. Haha but since then he has had the 2 open heart surgeries 3 cardiac catheterizations and had a Stent placed into his pulmonary artery and they pal to put a bigger one in anytime now. So yeah maybe he is a super hero, all I know is in my eyes he definitely is. And I thank God everyday that I get to spend my life watching him learn and grow. Malix-Kai's birth was a momentous occasion that brought immense joy and hope to everyone involved. From the very beginning, his arrival into the world was met with a sense of celebration, as family and friends gathered to welcome this precious new life. However, the journey did not unfold without challenges, as Malix-Kai faced immediate medical needs requiring his first surgeries shortly after birth. These procedures were not only critical for his health but also showcased the incredible dedication and expertise of the medical professionals who worked tirelessly to ensure his well-being. Each surgery represented a significant step forward, filled with both apprehension and optimism, as loved ones rallied around him with unwavering support and love. The resilience displayed by Malix-Kai during those early days is truly inspiring, reminding us all of the strength found in vulnerability. As he continues to grow and thrive, we are filled with gratitude for every moment that has led him toward a brighter future.